DAY 2: #3-#11 (3番〜11番札所)
Distance(移動距離) 57.10k Trip Total(出発から延べ) 61.0k Max Speed(最高速度) 38.5k/h Av Speed(平均) 3.9k/h
After #11 we headed to #12 and just after the tunnel and down the hill found a place to stay for the night, Yasuragi. 11番から12番へ向かうトンネル。山を下って、泊まる所「やすらぎ」を見付けた。
First I thought it was low tech, but then I realized, he the goat does all the work! 始めはローテクと思ったけど、ようく考えるとめちゃ賢い!ヤギが仕事を全部やってくれるやん!
Dad pedaling across the fields between 8 and 9. 8番から9番へ向かって畑の中を走る父。
Well so far the bikes are holding up quite well. They carry most of the gear and us. We just peddal.
Walking down from morning prayers. Shadows cast by the temple lights. Ring of temple bell. Start of another day. 朝のお経の後の散歩。お寺の灯から出る影。鐘が鳴り。また一日が始まる。