Doug needed to put together the best of the best of the best. These
are the men that rose up to that challenge.
From the top left corner, clockwise; Mike AKA Scout, he has seen a
picture of our target, and will help us locate it, Ed AKA Charmer, if
the team gets into trouble, hello charm, goodbye harm, Barry AKA Fire,
when the going gets cold, he turns up the heat, Jiri AKA Tunes, No
Music No Life, nuff said, Nathan AKA Geta, whatever you need, he will
geta it, and in the middle, the fearless leader Doug AKA Brains, he
talked us into this, so he must the smart one (or we're just....).
Anyway, this is the band, the group of six, the ones to attempt this
mission. This is (drum roll please) THE FUJI-SAN TEAM!!
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